5 Reasons to Cater Your Next Event with Aioli

As you are reading this, we are about to step into the busiest time of the year, the holiday season, and as such, chances are there is a special event coming up that you have already begun to plan. And whether it is a Friendsgiving with your pals who don’t have anywhere else to go or simply prefer the company of friends over family, a Christmas party where everyone plays games, eats too much food, and puts extra thought into their white elephant gift, or you are throwing a celebration to say goodbye to 2024 and welcome 2025 into your life, your first step should be that of hiring a caterer.

Not just any caterer, mind you. For these events and any others that may be in the pipeline, you want someone you trust, someone that won’t make you add a second mortgage to the house in order to pay for it—and yes, we think that someone should be our team at Aioli! These five reasons we should be the ones catering your next event will help get the party planning in motion. Learn the answers to your catering questions below!

Reason #5: Saving Time

The good thing about the holidays is getting to spend extra time with the people you love, celebrating friendships, relationships, and the love you feel for each and every person. But with every good must come a bad, and the bad thing about this is you have to squeeze more into less. Your schedule is already packed to the gills, and now you are supposed to add cleaning, shopping, AND cooking to the mix?

Hiring Aioli to cater your big event frees up a huge portion of your time, as you can skip the grocery store while shopping for the party, and because you won’t be cooking, the only cleaning you will need to do is your standard get ready for the big bash type.

Reason #4: Choosing Aioli Can Save Money

If you had already decided on hiring a caterer for this event, you may have been surprised at the fees some catering companies will charge, and it may even make you second guess your decision to let someone else do the hard work. But we aren’t like other catering companies, we value your budget as much as we value your patronage and our fees reflect that. You are already spending a lot this time of year, so forget the snooty caterers with their $50 appetizers and come to the company you already know and respect, perhaps even saving more than you would if you prepared the meal yourself!

Reason #3: A Name You Can Trust

You know Aioli. From the early days when our food trucks would roll up to your business, showing you and everyone else that good food CAN be served in a mode of transportation, to those subsequent times when we started opening brick and mortar locations. Your kids’ baseball teams have celebrated their wins at 32nd and Shea, and you’ve enjoyed our grab and go selections at the Litchfield Fry’s after a busy day at work, and when party time arrives, you can trust that we will be there, helping you look good!

Reason #2: Our Food

aioli cheese burger


We had an internal debate with ourselves over whether this reason should be #2 or #1, but no matter what position it appears on our list, our food will make you and your guests very happy! We have a passion for feeding hungry people, and it shows in the ingredients we use and the attention to all the details, both items that will make your event one that everyone will be hoping to attend. And because burgers go with everything (just ask all the brides and grooms who have utilized our services on the biggest days of their lives), you can rest easy knowing your theme and our burgers are a perfect couple.

Reason #1: You Deserve the Break

You work hard, and putting this event together promises to put you through your paces, so why not take an easier route without appearing to cut any corners? When you choose Aioli, you can spend your preparty time decorating the house, choosing the perfect pair of shoes to go with the new dress you just bought, or taking a nap because you KNOW it’s going to be a late night. And when the music is streaming, and the guests start to arrive, you can actually sit, relax, have another glass of wine, and chat up all your favorite people, because you really do deserve the break!

Explore Our Food Truck Menu in Arizona Here!

Give Us a Call Today

So go ahead, call our catering number, 602-848-8823, and discover ALL the reasons choosing Aioli to cater your next event will be the best idea you have had this entire year!


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